5 Facts To Know Before Having Your Car Repaired

  1.  Some insurance companies may want you to visit their drive-in claims center before having your vehicle repaired. You can do this. All you need to do after they have inspected your car is bring their estimate to Kosmetic Kar Doctor and we will handle your claim with them from there. Or, you can simply leave your vehicle with Kosmetic Kar Doctor and we will go over the claim with the insurance adjuster.
  2. You have the right to go to the repair shop of your choice. Your insurance company CANNOT require you to go to a particular body shop. One way to look at this is, do you want the shop repairing your vehicle to be working for the insurance company or working for you?  Famous words that the insurance companies love to use is that they will not guarantee work from a shop that is not working for them or on their list.  Most shops have their own guarantee or with Kosmetic Kar Doctor, we have a lifetime guarantee.  At Kosmetic Kar Doctor, we work for YOU not the Insurance company. Famous words that the insurance companies love to use is that they will “not guarantee work from a shop that is not working for them or on their list.” Most shops have their own guarantee, for instance, Kosmetic Kar Doctor we have a lifetime guarantee.  For example, let’s say that you are unhappy with the repair job on your vehicle.  Do you think that the insurance company is going to pay the shop to do it again?  (I really doubt it.)  So, as you can see, it’s the shop’s guarantee, not the insurance company’s.
  3. It is important to ask or do research on the shop you want to repair your vehicle, ask around town, do google searches, or, better yet, go to the Better Business Bureau and check the ratings of the shop.  We are proud to say that Kosmetic Kar Doctor has a 5-star rating and has been open since 1987.
  4. There is no law requiring you to obtain more than one estimate.  Some insurance companies will tell you that you need to obtain 3 estimates, this is simply not true.  If your insurance company insists that you get an estimate, go to the shlp that you want to repair your vehicle and no others.  (No reason for you to wast your gas and time on something you pay them to handle.)
  5. Choose a shop that has unibody repair equipment and has certified technicians. Kosmetic Kar Doctor’s technicians are I-CAR and ASE certified.  Let Kosmetic Kar Doctor negotiate your claim with the insurance company.  Choose the shop that works for you, not for the insurance company.